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$ 1263

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My Blog

Post 4 - In Memory for a Friend of mine

Saturday 18th May 2024

I wrote the following on 28 April 2022, in the time since, I’ve become a Mental Health First Aider and try to understand why, perfectly level men find themselves in such dark places. The Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride is part of that journey for me. I’m doing this in memory of my friend Derek, bless you mate……

A month ago I found out that my friend and colleague in Sevenfreewheeler had died. A few days ago, a niggling feeling I had had was confirm - Derek had taken his own life. Some of you would have met him via Moto Gymkhana when he competed with his great friend Tony Dix. Derek was a truly love guy and like all his friends, I have been left at a lost as to how one of most genuine of men could descend so quickly to the darkest of places.


Post 3 - Gone in 60 Seconds

Friday 10th May 2024
Thank you for all the donations; we are nearly halfway and have ten days to go.
According to Movember’s stats, a man kills himself somewhere in the world every minute….Let that sit with you for a bit. It will probably take you a minute or so to read this post. That’s a challenging picture.
You could argue that the world has a large population, and there is the law of large numbers, etc., So let's take something a little smaller: the UK. Samaritan figures indicate that 4719 men took their own lives in 2022 - 13 per day or, appropriately, one every 2 hours!
Compare that to riding a motorcycle, an apparently risky pastime. Government figures for 2022 show 350 deaths in total. So, I am theoretically 13 times more likely to kill myself than die riding my motorcycle!
This is why the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is such a powerful idea for the motorcycle community to help raise awareness and funding. A motorcycle death will likely make the news. The same can’t usually be said for some average fella hanging himself in his garage.
Be a man of more words.
How and why suicides happen is incredibly complex, but having the right conversation can make all the difference. That is where the fundraising goes, community based programs that address mental health through a male lens.
So please, if you haven't already, donate what you can because somewhere in the world, another man has died too young. https://gfolk.me/AndrewFreeman568265

Getting to the Bottom of Prostate Cancer

Saturday 4th May 2024
Before we start, a massive thank you to all who have sponsored me already; I love you all. We are 1/10 of the way there. For those that need a reminder of the sponsorship link, it is here: https://gfolk.me/AndrewFreeman568265
I’ve had a prostate examination three times in my life. Every single time out of the blue, when I’ve gone to the doctor for something seemingly completely unrelated to prostate cancer - bladder issues.
For most of us, the thought of anything, including a doctor's finger being pushed push up your arse, is….. a little embarrassing! Although I am told reliably that most A&E departments have a box labelled ‘removed from patients’ backsides’ - if you’re curious - light bulbs, mobile phones and the occasional Buzz Lightyear (probably an overreach on the definition of Beyond!).
I would speculate that most men delay seeing a doctor with bladder-related issues because of concerns about the examination. But you need to go. It is physically slightly uncomfortable but in no way painful, and it is very quick. Prostate cancer causes the bladder to be squeezed, and that is what your doctor is feeling for. You may also be sent for an MRI or a blood test. You also have to remember most symptoms can have a non-cancer cause.
How common is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men worldwide. In fact, it’s the most common cancer in men over 45. It’s estimated that over 1.4 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer annually, while a further 11 or so million are living with or beyond the disease.
Despite it being so widespread, prostate cancer survival rates are good when detected and treated early.
Early treatment is the key. Although the cause of prostate cancer is somewhat unknown, it is slow-growing, and effective interventions are available.
If you want to know more about the symptoms and treatment of prostate cancer, see the Movember website here: https://uk.movember.com/men-s-health/prostate-cancer
As I said above, the triggers for this type of cancer are still a bit unknown. More research is needed, so please donate what you can via the following link. Thank you. https://gfolk.me/AndrewFreeman568265
If you are still worried about seeing your doctor, it’s not like having a camera shoved up there because, trust me, that does make your eyes water.

Post 1 - The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Thursday 2nd May 2024

This year, I am participating in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride to raise funds and awareness for men’s health on behalf of Movember, and I need your help.

I have set a challenging goal of raising £1000 before the ride on 19 May. It's a big ask, but with your support, I believe we can make a significant difference in men's health. Over the next two-and-a-half weeks, I will delve deeper into the reasons behind my participation, showing that it’s not just about dressing up and having a nice ride in the country. The link to donate is below.

What is Movember?

Movember is the world’s largest men’s health organisation focused on universal, game-changing and realistic outcomes for prostate cancer and men's mental health.

**Prostate Cancer Statistics**

- Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men.
- 307,000 men will die from prostate cancer each year.

**Suicide Prevention – Men’s Mental Health**

- Suicide is the biggest killer of men aged 20-39, with ¾ of all suicides being male.
- 510,000 men die from suicide each year, that's one every minute.

This is a number that we seek to drastically change and can only been made possible through raising funds and awareness to help prevent men from dying too young.

Please support me on my ride by going to https://www.gentlemansride.com/fundraiser/AndrewFreeman568265 and making a donation to help fund men's health programs.

Thank you

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Saturday 6th Apr 2024

Automatic blurb ;)

On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Sponsors

David Julier

Nice one Andrew - Great causes mate. See you soon

$78 USD

Fiona Morris

Enjoy the ride Andrew

$66 USD


$65 USD

Justin Leary

Since you are both a gentleman and distinguished we are happy to support you in your cause. Have fun on your ride. Braaaaaaap!!!!!

$52 USD

David And Gail Axon

Ride it like you stole it....good luck amigo ...make sure you keep a helmet on your distinguished gentleman...safety first!!! D+G x

$52 USD

Andi & Jude

Hoping you'll be fabulously attired for your ride and look suitably distinguished. Good luck.

$33 USD

Elaine Plane

Good Luck, sorry kept forgetting to sponsor. X

$33 USD


Have a wonderful ride - such a great cause. Xx

$33 USD

Rachael Davenport

Good luck you’ve got this 💜

$32 USD

John Ritchie

Hi Andrew have a great ride John Corinne.

$32 USD

Jane Chate

Go Andrew - great cause xx

$31 USD

Peter Harper

$31 USD

Andrew Freeman

$26 USD

Andrew & Natalie

Well done Andrew you’ll smash your target in no time! A great cause 👏🏻👏🏻

$26 USD

Rob Loupart

Well done Andrew!

$26 USD

Paul Catchpole

$26 USD

Ian Handley

$25 USD