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My Blog

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Monday 25th Mar 2024 On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Team

Quad Lock

With 303 Riders

My Sponsors


Bit late to the party this year, sorry. Have a great jaunt out & get that ‘tache on the go.

$221 USD

Mick Boyes

£100 courtesy of Mick Boyes and Forces Cars Direct.

$126 USD

Stephen Haywood

Good Luck Andy. We'll come and see you off! Steve & Karen.

$112 USD

Tanja Mikat

$108 USD

Cristian Angelillo

Great cause Andy! Happy to support!

$108 USD

Andy Baker

$68 USD

Paul Matthews

Keep up the work, you glorious bar-steward you!

$68 USD


Great cause, have fun on the ride and be safe!

$67 USD

Jay Picken

All the best Andy and good luck.

$67 USD

David Ash

Might see you on the day chap. 😉🍺🍺

$56 USD

Sean Ellis

Great cause Andy; I’ll ask you to sponsor me when I have a suitable ride 😁

$56 USD

Michael John Williams

Good work Andy, thanks putting such an effort into this important activity! Well done mate.

$45 USD

Chris Lem

$45 USD

Jacquie Adam

Keep up the good work Andy, great cause!

$45 USD

Paolo Di Caro

See you at the ride!

$44 USD

Mark Handford

Great work Andy and it will make a massive difference pal.

$44 USD

Paul Möller

Thank you for your great effort. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

$43 USD


Have a great ride 🏍️ 😎

$43 USD

Richard Elliott

Nice one Mr B. Glad you didn’t sell it ⭐️

$35 USD

Mick Boyes

Just a little chip in to keep the fund building, keep on at it Andy it is worthwhile.

$35 USD


Love & Burpees

$34 USD

Allan Murphy

$34 USD

Matt Lloyd

Well done mate. Great cause. Thanks for supporting this. Good luck with the ride.

$34 USD

Mike & Diane

Well done Andy - enjoy your ride

$33 USD

Ken Schimek

Well done Andy, Great cause.

$33 USD


Thank you for your continued efforts to raise awareness for Men's Mental Health. In the UK, suicide is the largest cause of male deaths under 50!

$32 USD

Gillian And Graeme

Have a great ride Andy for a very good cause xx

$32 USD

Lisa Boehm

$27 USD

David & Irina

$23 USD

Danielle C

Paid double for my lack of attendance at circuits 😉

$23 USD

Matthew Pera

$23 USD

Gareth Fretwell

Well done old chap.

$23 USD

Jochen Breitling

Andy, all the best

$23 USD


Love & Burpees

$22 USD

Toni Keane

Good luck

$22 USD

Kevin Baker

$22 USD

Si Partridge

Have a great ride Mr B

$22 USD


Good initiative Andy!

$22 USD

Dougal Gow

Great cause Andy, happy to donate again and support this charity as I have several friends who have had the dreaded big C!!

$22 USD

Samantha Vattes

Great cause!! Enjoy!!

$22 USD

Kim Whyte

$22 USD

Olivia Hearn

Good luck Andy! Good cause as always! Xx

$17 USD


Love & Burpees

$11 USD


Love & Burpees

$11 USD

Marie Wood

Thank you for this Andy, and thank you for the circuit training, so much good work for others.

$11 USD


$11 USD

Marius Vogelmann

Thank you for this action Andy

$11 USD


Love & Burpees

$9 USD


Love & Burpees

$6 USD

Javier Gutierrez Bravo

$6 USD

Sara Matthews

$6 USD

Pete Gardner

Penalty fee for nil attendance today.

$5 USD