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My Blog

Mark your calendars 19th of May, 2024

Wednesday 27th Mar 2024

Gentlemen and gentlewomen, saddle up and prepare for a ride like no other! As the host for this year's Gentleman's Ride in Utrecht, I am bursting with excitement to embark on this journey with fellow enthusiasts. With two wheels as my trusted companions and the open road as my canvas, I eagerly anticipate the camaraderie and thrill that await us.

As a fervent two-wheeled enthusiast and a daily rider, the opportunity to lead this ride in Utrecht fills me with immense pride. It's a chance to showcase our shared love for motorcycles while supporting a noble cause.

It's a chance to connect with kindred spirits, swap stories, and revel in the freedom that comes with the open road. 

Beyond the thrill of the ride, the Gentleman's Ride carries a profound mission close to my heart. By raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men's mental health initiatives, we embody the true spirit of compassion and solidarity. Together, we can make a difference—one mile at a time.

As the host for the Gentleman's Ride in Utrecht, I extend a warm invitation to riders near and far to join us in this exhilarating adventure. Let us come together, embrace the thrill of the ride, and make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Together, we ride with purpose, passion, and unwavering enthusiasm.

See you on the road!

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My Sponsors

Bruce Goebertus

$23 USD

Dion Van Uden


$6 USD