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My Blog

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Thursday 11th Apr 2024

On the 19th of May I'll be taking part in the distinguished gentleman's ride. Raising funds for Movember holds a profound place in my heart, especially after I became a father. Holding my little one in my arms, I've come to realise the magnitude of life and the devastating reality of a child growing up without a parent. It's chilling to acknowledge the alarmingly high global suicide rates, especially among men, our fathers, brothers, friends - our heroes. Cancer is another ruthless enemy, claiming the lives of these fine individuals who bring so much joy to our world. As a dad, it's important for me to contribute towards changing this narrative, so that not one more child has to grow up without their parent, not one more friend is lost too soon. It's a tough fight, but every penny we raise takes us a step closer to a world free of these silent killers. Because if we can make even the smallest difference, it's a battle well fought and truly worthwhile. Let's change the face of men's health together, for us, for our children, and for the future.

My Sponsors


Great cause Dean.

$59 USD

Annick & Jeremy


$31 USD

Susan Turner

Well done Dean for supporting a great cause.

$25 USD

Dean Cooper

$9 USD