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My Blog

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Monday 25th Mar 2024

If you've been following my journey with Prostate Cancer thus far you'll know I'm now in my seventh year since being diagnosed in late 2017, I'd been ticking along quite nicely until my regular PSA blood test in May last year revealed a sudden increase in my PSA results, I had gone from .01 (undetectable) up 12 X to .12 not a big number, but a rather large increase, a second test in August revealed yet another rapid increase; it had doubled and a bit, not what we wanted to hear!

So off to Melbourne for a Quadra Scan (the most advanced machine in the field) at the Melbourne Theranostic Innovation Centre, a faster and therefore more acurite Pet Scan, the results of which revealed one active tumour. After a phone consultation with my Oncologist in Melbourne and armed with these results and the fact the PSA was not likely to go down we chose to go over to the Icon Cancer Centre in Canberra for an additional Hormone injection to slow things down and then another 4 weeks of targeted Radiation Thetapy, this was done in November / December 2023.

I had missed some exciting work opportunities during this time which was unfortunate! So bring on the New Year! After getting over all of the above and a bout of Covid 19, I was now on my way with renewed purpose to the Victorian High Country where I was to work for Wieland Adventures managing a camp on the Snowy River with a team of National and International Scientists and Archaeologists. While on route to the Snowy in early January 2024 I received a follow up call from my Oncologist with my first post treatment PSA blood test result, he started by saying I have some good news! actually I have some unexpectedly good news, you have a ZERO! not a .01 but a ZERO, with a test that soon after treatment he was expecting some residual PSA reading but a Zero was a great result, that'll do me!

So there we are up to date! With my next test in July, fingers crossed we get another Zero!

So on Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Team

Quad Lock

With 301 Riders

My Sponsors

Wagga Classic Motorcycle Club

Hi Greg, as promised from the members of Wagga Classic Motorcycle Club. Hope you have a great ride!

$3,263 USD

Rhonda And Ian Hannon

$139 USD

Michael Irwin

Well done again mate, enjoy the ride.@

$137 USD


Make us older gentlemen distingushed

$137 USD

Rhonda Hannon

Have a good ride, good luck! Love, Mum

$136 USD

Anne & Graham Wild

An amazing fundraising effort for such a great cause. Your own journey is an inspiration to all. Ride well & enjoy.

$105 USD

Greg Hannon

$75 USD

Tony Springall

Have a great ride mate .Sorry I nearly forgot to sponsor you .

$70 USD


Good on ya Dad!

$70 USD

Bernard McKean

$69 USD

Des Seery

Good one Stacky!

$66 USD

Ted And Jen Streatfeild

Well Done!

$56 USD

Lauren Rosetta

Go Greg!

$49 USD

Angie Reidy

$35 USD

Lorraine Crawford

Another fun ride! Well done and enjoy!

$35 USD

Rosie Filgate

$35 USD

Neil Byrne

Your a legend Greg. Well done again. Neil and Julie xx

$35 USD

Jayd Wieland

$35 USD

Robina Jackson

All for a distinguished Gentleman like you. Great job! So proud of you.

$35 USD

Jenny Rial

$35 USD

Karla Rial

$35 USD

Mark Cook

A great cause, good on you both.

$34 USD

Linda Dahl

Good luck on your ride Greg… distinguished indeed.

$34 USD

James Fishers

Amazing work Mr. Hannon, I had no idea about your journey the past year, but 🍺 to the good news!

$34 USD

Jennylee Rial

Have a great ride, bro! Be safe, have fun. Love you

$34 USD

Karla Rial

Go Uncle Greg! Have a good ride! Love you xo

$34 USD

Ian & Rhonda Hannon

Have a "Great" ride Greg much love Mum & Dad

$34 USD

Stan Lawler

Well done mate keep it up

$21 USD

Paul Porteous

A great fella fundraising for a good cause. How could I not chip in? All the best cowboy!

$17 USD

Jamie Van Schoor

$17 USD

Matthew Van Schoor

$14 USD


$14 USD

Natasha Shimpf

$14 USD

Margaret Blencowe

Enjoy the ride Greg, it does matter, I wish it was a $100

$14 USD

Lizzy Sykes

Love your work. Love you..

$14 USD

Jackie French

$7 USD

Rosalyn Watkins

$7 USD