My Blog
Winter commute
Tuesday 10th Dec 2024Not at all challenging to be dry, warm and safe.
Waxed canvas pants over bike jeans with CE armour. I just put the armour in my bag once I'm inside.
Always got my poncho to keep the leather dry and spare gloves. If we are in the rain long enough leaks will appear. Let it dry, apply some snoseal, condition everything once a year regardless. (see below)
I found some pretty good bike jeans that don't make me look ridiculous which means I'll actually wear them.
They have strengths and weaknesses and I often choose by those qualities when considering the conditions and the work or social environment I need to blend with.
Sheep skin liners with woolen socks for the Frye Engineers boots

Inner layer
Tuesday 10th Dec 2024The gaiters are the best thing I found. The bottom of our pants always gets wet and dirty. Short boots let road debris hit the shins.
By adding gaiters, I'm protected just like I would be in long boots but they zip off and I can put them away.
Really practical if you don't like over washing your jeans. You can find them at a saddlery but I recommend getting sizes larger to fit over other boots. I cut the strap off.

Tuesday 10th Dec 2024Arriving at the office still clean and presentable took a lot of trial and error.
This combination works really well.
Carhardt coveralls are really quick to get in and out of. Great zippers and I can open them partially open them for airflow and still be covered.
The Swedish Dispatch Rider jacket is a great outer layer. Protective but not warming.
Harold Roper Boots are ideal for summer with thin socks and a little talc.

Hot days and protection are tricky
Tuesday 10th Dec 2024I won't ride with skin exposed. I think carefully before I choose an open face helmet.
Still got CE armour, dual sport boots, rough-out leather jacket and short perforated gloves.
Prefer goggles over sunglasses when its very hot and dry.
Open face only for slow rides in the middle of the day. Too many insects other times around here and they just aren't comfortable at speed. Bugs can really hurt.

Caught in the rain
Tuesday 10th Dec 2024Always a concern and not too many bridges to hide under up here.
The Jack Stillman poncho is brilliant. It covers my knees, tuck it into the tank and stay pretty dry. Extra waterproofing on jacket arms, I have some oilskin pants too and always carry spare gloves.
I prefer guantlet glovers because no air gets in unless i want it to.
The Wesco lace up loggers boots are brilliant! I prefer leather laces and clips instead of tying them.

Ride & Write day
Tuesday 10th Dec 2024A Ride & Write day is a day when I take my laptop with me and ride for a while with a thought in mind, stop capture it, ride again and systematically work my way through my writing.
Most of my writing is business related but I'm terrible at sitting in a chair for long periods of time.
Cool days require warm gear. Abbrasion testing is not done on bitumen roads, which are much rougher.
IMHO Leather is the gold standard for slides and riding with an occupied mind requires additional caution.

Getting excited for DGR 2025
Tuesday 26th Nov 2024I built the bike for DGR and I'm loving riding it, but I look like this every day!

DRG2024 - until next year:)
Monday 3rd Jun 2024I'm very pleased with the support received. Thank you to those who sponsored me and the cause. I did receive some generous anonymous donations, and I will just assume they are from you:)

Sunday 19th May 2024Super comfortable theme appropriate and layered like a babushka doll. Worked perfectly. 9kgs.

It's going to be cold
Friday 17th May 2024
Progress! I might not need to push or ride pillion
Wednesday 15th May 2024after finding the original Australian dealer was on my work commute I have finally been able to get this fixed with OEM parts and they have arrived in time for the weekend!
I had been waiting months to receive it... unsuccessfully.
It looks like all systems are go for a lovely ride sunday.

They are all pushbikes at some time
Friday 10th May 2024
Got two bikes waiting for parts and I'm beginning to get anxious about either of them arriving in time for the ride.
In the process of organising a plan B. UPDATE
Option 1: Pillion with someone else in Castlemaine. CONFIRMED
Option2: Someone lends me a bike for the ride and I ride in Castlemaine. POTENTIAL OPTION
Option 3: I rent a bike and switch my ride to Melbourne. - HATED THIS OPTION
Option 4: either of the parts arrive in time and I can ride my own bike (STILL A CHANCE)
Option 5: Dodgy fix to get through the day on the Cruiser and then fix it again when the part arrives. (MAYBE)

2023 - this is going to be difficult to beat!
Friday 3rd May 2024Last years look is a good foundation and it's pretty over the top already:)
Rather than try to beat it, maybe some accessories? its time for detail.
Adding a brown leather facemask, pocket watch and compass for the vest, nicer boot warmers...that might be my limit.
Having ridden in a lot of different conditions and destinations, this is the most comfortable to wear. When I walk in somewhere like this, it's less noticable than full black leather!

Friday 3rd May 2024Oiling leather and polishing boots. I do this at least once a year.
Abrasion ratings are done on concrete and our roads are bitumen which is much rougher.
Leather is the gold standard.
We want to make a choice. Do I want to slide or tumble? Leather slides, textile tumbles. Every time i get one a bike, I consider the conditions, like a risk assessment taking into account the roads and how well I know them, weather and destination and strage capacity. It's fun and Im usually comfortable.

Getting ready is half the fun
Friday 3rd May 2024It's effortless to dress dapper at 60kmh but you need extra layers when you're over 100 in autumn.

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
Tuesday 30th Apr 2024On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for men's mental health on behalf of Movember.
The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that to protect our partners, society and ourselves. This ride and its participants are a great environment for men who don't comfortably share.
So, before I press my tweed, don my leathers and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help everyone we love, live happier and healthier lives.
If its worth doing, and this is, its worth overdoing:)
My Sponsors
Onya Jase. Very good cause. We are in times where people experience hard times, it will get worse and people find it hard to communicate that to others. Hat off to you and safe riding! Raise awareness
$331 USD
Stacey Booth
Good luck with the ride Jase. I’m loving your posts that are visually beautiful and so heartfelt and inspiring. 🙏🏼 Stace
$149 USD
Sarah Taylor
Go well!
$138 USD
Bickford Aaron
go Jase!!!
$83 USD
Phil Smith
Phil sent me this by bank transfer and I entered the amount for him.
$69 USD
Mel Starbuck
$55 USD
Dan Rotman
$35 USD
Belinda Pritchard
Great work Jase!
$35 USD
Helen O’Malley
$34 USD
Rohan Hogan
Great Cause Jase, well done on raising so much money
$34 USD
Darren Bain
Great work Jase
$34 USD
Alan Long
Good on you Jason, always happy to support you
$34 USD
Amanda Smith
Well done J an excellent cause. I’m sure you will be the best dressed and most stylish rider on the day! X
$34 USD
Stephen Morgan
Enjoy m8..
$34 USD
I split my donation, half to me half direct.
$34 USD
David Gray
Ride safe mate
$34 USD
Sasha 🍷 Goldsmith
Look after you self on and off the Bike
$32 USD
Tony Whitehead
Don't freeze ya nuts off
$21 USD
Matthew Dawson
$21 USD
Karen Fazzani
$21 USD
Cameron Brown
Great effort Goldy!
$21 USD
Ben Stone
Nice work Jase
$21 USD
Kimberly Palmer
Good on you, may your ride (& attire!) be fabulous & your fundraising target met 😀
$14 USD
Julian Harvey
$14 USD
Amanda Terkel
Hi Jason, a great cause 😊. Keep it up. You’re doing a great thing for men and humanity. Cheers Amanda
$14 USD
Mish Kardachi
Go you, oh stylish one! xx
$14 USD
Kylie Lewis
$14 USD
Jane & Brett Goldsmith
Great work Jase xx
$14 USD
Good work Jase, a very worthy cause